16 Types of Healthcare Jobs in the Medical Field That Pay Well

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Choosing to join the healthcare industry has many benefits and interests, but it is good to know the 16 types of healthcare jobs in the medical field that pay well. According to researchers, healthcare jobs are among twenty fastest growing job opportunities in the US, with 14 million jobs in its field and 3 million new jobs which are expected in years to come. Whatever job in the medical field you choose, you can be sure that you will be well-paid with many benefits, including special working hours (sometimes only three working days per week), many social benefits, and awareness that you constantly save people’s lives and help individuals from low-status groups to improve their health. It is surely not a type of a job everyone can do. It always includes a special working environment, working with a lot of different people, changing job requirements, and changes and improvements on a daily basis. One of the best things is that you can change your position in this field by studying and then practicing your knowledge, so everyone working in this field should not be at the same position and the same place throughout his or her career.

There are various reasons why people choose to work in the medical field, but we can say without shame that the salary is definitely one of them. A well-paid job in the healthcare industry requires a high school degree, working in special conditions or institutions, changing positions within the same institution or working long hours with short rests. Since the list of requirements for a well-paid job starts with the person’s level of education, the list of the best-paid jobs in the medical field shall start and finish with the list of the doctors’ specialties. According to the research from 2015, the medical specialty which is found to be the best-paid is orthopedics with orthopaedists earning the salary of more than $400,000 per year and the worst-paid is pediatrics with pediatricians earning the annual salary of $200,000.

16 Types of Healthcare Jobs in the Medical Field That Pay Well


People who want to work in the medical field know that doctors have high salaries, but it is not always possible to study medicine at high schools or reach a medical degree. Some of them perhaps have already started studying medicine but have to work at the same time, so the easiest option for them is to find a job in the medical field. Many of those jobs do not require any special degrees and you can work with an appropriate certificate, which makes them a good starting point in this field. They are not necessarily bad jobs. On the contrary, many of them are very well paid.

To make the list of 16 types of healthcare jobs in the medical field that pay well, first, we needed to list the jobs in the medical field and then identify the jobs that pay well. That was actually very easy to do due to numerous sources on the internet. However, having compared the lists of jobs and the appropriate salaries, we came to a list of similar jobs and very similar salaries, the difference being about $200 on an annual basis. Many jobs, like those of healthcare assistants (a dental assistant or a nursing assistant, for example), are almost the same and cannot be put in different positions on the list. As a result, we have expanded our criteria for the list with one more condition to be fulfilled when you identify well-paid jobs in the medical field.

Well-paid jobs also imply the existence of a high demand for them in the future. When there is a lack of experts in a certain medical field, you can assume that a high demand for them is likely to emerge and that it will be necessary for hospitals to employ them and put them on the list of their staff. That could be an excellent opportunity for people who want to work in healthcare and who are about to make a decision about their specialty. For that reason, our first step was to explore the list of medical careers in demand and start from there. It is even better if you find a job which is in demand now and is also likely to be in demand in the future. One of those is a medical perfusionist, a new job in the medical field, but highly interesting for new generations and surely one of the best-paid in the medical field which does not require high education.

When it comes to education, people can work in healthcare without a degree in medicine (although some level of education in this field is important), so it is convenient to find those jobs which do not require finishing medical school. We used our list of 11 Highest Paying Healthcare Jobs Without a Degree and the lists of jobs which do not require much education. Some of them can be very well-paid, although not everybody can do them. Finally, we used the lists of highly demanded jobs in the medical field that do not require a high level of education and ranked them according to the appropriate salary taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Now, let’s see the list of types of healthcare jobs in the medical field that pay well.

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