Devon Energy Corp (DVN)

Market is closed

Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 2,386,900 $93,375,528 -29% 0.95%
2. 112,804 $4,412,892 0.53%
3. 55,962 $2,189,233 +8% 0.13%
LMR PartnersCALL

Ben Levine, Andrew Manuel And Stefan Renold

24,800 $970,176 +64% 0%
LMR PartnersPUT

Ben Levine, Andrew Manuel And Stefan Renold

10,500 $410,760 -39% 0%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$44.42 15,000 Officer, Director 1,973,006 2024-03-04 Filing
$50.30 7,500 Officer, Director 1,762,038 2023-03-14 Filing
$49.98 20,000 Officer 477,032 2023-03-14 Filing
$53.00 5,000 Officer, Director 1,978,977 2023-02-22 Filing
$53.02 941 Director 941 2023-02-17 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$51.04 20,000 Officer 104,182 2024-05-07 Filing
$51.13 7,870 Officer 210,548 2023-08-04 Filing
$49.97 8,292 Officer 218,418 2023-05-05 Filing
$54.77 7,179 Officer 262,498 2023-02-17 Filing
$70.48 5,557 Officer 258,981 2022-11-09 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 73,897,945 $3,347,576,909 0.07%
2. 51,995,849 $2,355,411,974 0.06%
3. 40,006,064 $1,812,274,699 0.08%
4. 14,927,360 $675,166,834 0.07%
5. 10,122,770 $458,561,605 0.04%
News See All