Hedge Fund - Cavalry Asset Management

John Hurley Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

John Hurley established the California-based hedge fund Cavalry Asset Management which has about $2 billion in assets under management. In 1986, Mr. Hurley received a bachelor's degree from Princeton University. He joined Fidelity Management and Research as a portfolio manager and analyst in 1993 after receiving his MBA from the GSB. He joined Bowman Capital Management in 1997 and rose to the position of managing partner before founding Cavalry Asset Management in 2002. John Hurley is a Gulf War veteran with the experience to handle the toughest of market environments.

Cavalry Asset Management is a hedge fund manager that mainly focuses on technology.

John Hurley
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Cavalry Asset Management
Manager John Hurley
Portfolio Value $7,240,782
Change This QTR +0.01%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. TSM 4,630 $804,740 -15% 11.11%
2. ERIC 114,383 $705,743 +32% 9.74%
3. WDC 9,184 $695,871 -37% 9.61%
4. NVDA 4,532 $559,884 -12% 7.73%
5. LITE 10,912 $555,639 -43% 7.67%
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