Veritex Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:VBTX) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Clay Riebe: We had one loan in the portfolio that moved to criticized assets during the quarter in the office portfolio. But since June 30, portfolio is down $30 million. Q – Matt Olney Got it. Okay. That’s helpful. And then just lastly, as we take a step back and think about just general profitability, I think you disclosed in the deck the PPNR ROAA this quarter was around 160, I think. If we focus — I was going to ask, if we think about just profitability in terms of the next year as far as balance sheet management and all the things you’re focused on, how should we think about that PPNR ROAA level?

Malcolm Holland: Probably pretty similar is what I would say, somewhere in that, you know…

Terry Earley: Give or take 10 bps…

Malcolm Holland: Yes, 150 bps to 170 bps.

Terry Earley: Yes, that’s what I would say. A lot of it has to do, Matt, some of this, USDA income and what levels they performed. But I think it’s fair to say between 150 bps and 170 bps. You’re going to see us this shipment.

Matt Olney: Okay. Okay. That’s helpful, guys. Thanks for taking my questions.

Malcolm Holland: Certainly. Thanks, Matt.

Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s conference. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect. Have a great day.

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