Top 5 Countries with Highest Egg Consumption

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In this article, we will be covering the top 5 countries with highest egg consumption. If you want to read our detailed analysis of the egg industry and consumption trends, go directly to the Top 20 Countries with Highest Egg Consumption.

5. Brazil

Total Annual Egg Consumption: 3.41 million tons

Population: 212,559,420

Annual Egg Consumption Per Capita: 16.06 kg

Average Number of Eggs Consumed per person per year: 268

Brazil has numerous dishes like omelettes, pão de queijo (cheese bread), coxinha (deep-fried chicken croquettes), and farofa (toasted cassava flour with eggs), where eggs are an integral part of the dish. Brazilian desserts like quindim (baked coconut and egg yolks), brigadeiros (chocolate truffles), and pudim de leite (caramel flan) also contain eggs.

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