Top 4 Industries for Entrepreneurs

The top industries for entrepreneurs right now aren’t necessarily the ones you’d expect.

The success of an entrepreneur relies on countless factors: from business skills and financial capital to a sound business plan and the niche you plan on targeting. Today, we would like to focus on the best industries a rookie entrepreneur should focus on.

Some industries have a better outlook, meaning that they would be more suitable for someone who’s looking to start a new business. Others, such as manufacturing, have little chances of growth over the following years, according to the US Bureau of Labor, meaning that starting a venture in this industry might not be the best option.

If you’re looking to make it as an entrepreneur, check the list we have compiled of the top industries for entrepreneurs. Let’s take a look at the countdown.

No. 4: Accounting Services

top industries for entrepreneurs

Accounting and financial services have always been prosperous industry, and this is unlikely to change in the near future. As long as you have the proper qualifications and resources, starting a business in this top industry for entrepreneurs is always a good idea.

In addition, as new financial regulations are being drafted and implemented, the demand for accounting and auditing services will increase even more. If you’re looking to profit for the long term, you should definitely consider opening an accounting services company.

No. 3: Internet and Data Services

It is easy to notice the impact technology has on our day-to-day life. This is certainly the case when it comes to businesses as well: more and more companies choose to take their operations online. In addition, companies that have already created their online presence also need support in maintain and strengthening their brand.

The Internet and data services industry provides numerous opportunities to entrepreneurs looking to set up a business, as there will be numerous clients who will require such services. In addition, the US Bureau of Labor estimates that this particular industry will continue its growth for years to come, which will ensure numerous growth opportunities for businessmen who operate in this niche.

No. 2: Business Consulting

With the economy on the rebound, more and more businesses open their doors each day. This will result in an increased demand for consulting and management services. Ventures will require help with creating business plans, marketing programs, and ongoing strategies.

Any entrepreneur looking to start a new venture should consider business consulting as a very viable and lucrative option. Choosing this field from our list of top industries for entrepreneurs will ensure that you will always have clients and a steady source of income for years to come.

No. 1: Home Health Care

Any entrepreneur looking to start a new business should definitely consider the health care industry. According to the US Bureau of Labor, the home health care industry will expand exponentially over the next decade.

As the Baby Boom generation ages and retires, the demand for home health care services will increase even further. Currently, approximately 12 million people across the US require some sort of home health care, meaning that opening a venture in this sector can prove rather lucrative.

If you enjoyed our list of the top industries for entrepreneurs, check out our “Top 12 Best Jobs for 2014.”