Top 4 Economic Predictions for your Business Plan in 2014

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No. 1: Economic growth will be moderate

Top economic predictions for your business plan in 2014-3

In the US, according to the Survey of Professional Forecasters, 2014 will bring a 2.6 percent economic growth, inflation adjusted. While for some companies the percentage might increase to as much as 4.3 percent, economic growth remains moderate in the months to come. This means that, while the aftermath of the recession is starting to dwindle down, you will still have to play it wise in 2014 and ensure that you only take calculated risks when it comes to your business.

When it comes to the rest of the world, the International Monetary Fund predicts a 3.8 percent growth, inflation adjusted. Once again, this figure is moderate and it translates into the fact that you will still have to be careful of how much you are willing to take business risks in 2014, regardless of where you venture operates.

If you enjoyed our list of the top 4 economic predictions for your business plan in 2014, check out our “Top 12 Best Jobs for 2014.”

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