The Top 10 Star Wars Characters in the Iconic Series

Making a list of the top ten Star Wars characters is either an easy feat, or an incredibly difficult one, depending on how you look at it. Unlike some series which struggle to produce even a handful of memorable characters, Star Wars is responsible for countless beloved characters that have all entered mainstream pop culture in various ways, and have achieved legendary status.

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Indeed, few film series in cinematic history have generated more interest and more adoring fans than the Star Wars series. Love it or hate it, Star Wars is a cornerstone in pop culture that has gathered an avid target audience all across the globe. Not only has Star Wars launched two highly successful movie trilogies, but the series has expanded into books, video games, and other forms of entertainment over the past few decades. If you’re a Star Wars fan, we also recommend you take a look at our 25 Best Star Wars Video Games of All-Time, which was also no easy task to compile given all the great Star Wars games that have been developed.

Now though, we would like to present you with a list of the top ten Star Wars characters. Admittedly, ranking characters from a movie according to which one is the best is a rather subjective matter, but we have a feeling you will agree with most our choices, and if not, that’s OK too; to each his own. Let’s take a look at the countdown and see if you like our pickings.

No. 10: Mace Windu

We’ll be honest: we didn’t include Mace Windu only for the character’s traits, but also because we simply love Samuel L. Jackson. One of the few characters in the series to use more than one light-saber at once, Mace Windu was one of the most memorable swordsmen in the Star Wars franchise.

No. 9: Darth Maul

Not nearly as infamous or famous as the other Darth in the series (spoiler alert: who also made the countdown, surprise, surprise), Darth Maul was one of the most beloved additions to the prequel trilogy.

No. 8: Qui-Gon Jinn

What’s not to love about a character portrayed by Liam Neeson? Apart from being an important character throughout the Star Wars plotline, Neeson’s interpretation of Qui-Gon Jinn remains memorable for many fans of the sci-fi franchise.

No. 7: R2-D2

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t simply love R2-D2? We think not. Despite the fact that he basically didn’t have one single line in the entire series, his role was nothing short of memorable.

No. 6: Chewbacca

Chewbacca’s character may have been inspired by a dog according to director George Lucas, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t adorable, in his own way. Han Solo’s protector, Chewbacca emerged not only as one of the best Star Wars characters, but also as one of the best sidekicks in movie history, according to a ranking compiled by Entertainment Weekly.

No. 5: Luke Skywalker

It may be odd that Luke Skywalker isn’t higher on our ranking of the top Star Wars Characters, with him being the leading character and all, but we can’t overlook the fact that at the beginning of the original trilogy he was a rather dorky kid. However, props to him, as he did emerge as the hero we had all been waiting for by the end of the series.

No. 4: Han Solo

While Han Solo might not have been the leading character or the hero of the Star Wars movies, in a way, he was kind of that guy we all wished we could be. Fast on his feet, brave at heart, and a bit rebellious at times, Han Solo emerged as one of the most memorable characters in the franchise.

No. 3: Obi-Wan Kenobi

The grandfather figure of the original Star Wars trilogy, Obi-Wan Kenobi was the guider of Luke Skywalker on his path to becoming a Jedi warrior. His words of wisdom and strength made him not only a great mentor, but also one of the top Star Wars characters.

No. 2: Yoda

Yoda is the perfect image of wisdom and strength, not to mention that it’s pretty much impossible not to simply adore him. Despite the fact that this character did not make it to the prequel Star War movies, Yoda remains one of the most beloved in the entire franchise.

No. 1: Darth Vader

Darth Vader is the ultimate movie villain and arguably the most popular brand to emerge from the Star Wars franchise. From his infamous voice and impressive presence that have made him one of the most recognizable figures in cinematic history, he more than deserves his spot as the leading Star Wars character.