The 5 Most Expensive Luxury Motorhomes in the World

If you’ve ever dreamed of going on a great road-trip, then this list of the most expensive luxury motorhomes in the world to rent or buy should be just what you’re looking for? If you ever thought about the possibility of driving across the country or even across the entire continent, then doing so in one of these babies would be the way to do so?

These are more like mansions than regular motorhomes. You can sleep very comfortably (maybe even better than in your regular bed), you can make your own meals, you can relax (while someone else is driving), you can do it all. And not just that, while you’re enjoying life inside these big boys, you can actually discover uncountable places that are just on the other side of your door. Were you planning on spending thousands of dollars’ worth in plane tickets and hotels? Well, think again, because nothing will ever be remotely similar to leasing or owning your own luxury motorhome.

Motorhomes are simply what the word describes: a motorized house. You literally have an apartment on wheels, which can help your road-trip be easier and more comfortable. Usually, that kind of trip involves getting on filthy buses for many, many hours in order to go from one place to the other, and while you’re there, you have no other choice than to stay in a cheap hotel or take your camping equipment with you to make the whole trip affordable. If you think about it, you can eat, sleep and drive all in the same place, so wouldn’t that save you a lot of money? And isn’t that in fact the best way to travel?

Now, if you think that a luxurious motorhome is expensive, they still pale in comparison to the estates on our list of The Ten Most Expensive Homes in the World, where you can find castles, mansions and residences that cost at least $135 million dollars (you’ll faint after finding out the price for the number one!).

Ahead you have the most expensive luxury motorhomes in the world. Go check them out!

5. 2014 Country Coach Prevost

Prevost Logo

Price: $1 million

For $1 million, you can drive around in this stylish motorhome. This one used to be a bus and was converted into this masterpiece to give you the best of the best (at least in 2014). Even though it’s a heavy duty vehicle, it’s not exactly meant to be driven in all terrains (though it’s perfect for towns and while on the road).

This road-trip is just getting started. Check out the four most expensive luxury motorhomes in the world on the next pages.

4. 2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach

Price: $1.3 million

For those who love a country look and need to have all furniture (including the car) wrapped up in leather and animal print, you can have this one in our number four spot for $1.3 million. This vehicle is definitely a 4-wheel-drive, so you can take it anywhere you want, and drive in southern style!

3. 2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP

Price: $1.6 million

From bumper to bumper, this motorhome speaks modern, modern, modern. The decorations, the outside design, and let’s not forget about the tall ceiling that would make you forget you’re actually on the road. And you can have it all, for only $1.6 million.

2. Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus

Price: $2.5 million

Designed to be an “elite” motorhome, this was “the fairest of them all” in 2006. And it’s making a huge splash to this day, as it’s still worth $2.5 million. Karen B. Horton, a luxury coach owner herself and assistant designer in this project, brought an “entirely new concept of design elegance and functionality” (according to the engineers), and made the whole vehicle stand out from the rest.

1. EleMMent Palazzo

Price: $3 million

In early 2015, we’re going to have this unbelievable motor-home make all others look bad. For $3 million, it has a living-room, master bedroom, deck, and a space-like cabin. The outside design looks more like a cruise than a car, but I guess that’s the whole idea, isn’t it?