The 5 Biggest Celebrity Stoners Who Love Their Reefer

2. Ricky Williams

Top 5 Biggest Celebrity Stoners

If Ricky Williams were more famous outside of sports he’d definitely be number one on this list. I mean, this man actually gave up an NFL career because of weed. There are too many events and quotes on this subject to list them all, but just to give you an idea, let’s look at a few events surrounding the former star NFL running back.

After failing multiple drug tests, Williams quit the league and took a self imposed hiatus, where he traveled the world and was admittedly high for the duration of it. Then, after returning to the league, Williams failed another drug test, for, you guessed it, marijuana! The reason? He claimed that he smoked, then forgot that he wasn’t allowed to during the season because the smoking caused him to forget, so he kept doing it. After all of this was over, this legendary pot consumer had an entire ESPN 30 for 30 Documentary about him, and his feelings and interactions with pot. It’s on Netflix and if you haven’t seen it already I highly recommend it. Getting your own documentary while remaining a relevant player for the better part of a decade makes Ricky Williams, even to this day, one of the biggest celebrity stoners.