Smead Capital Management Value Fund’s Q3 2023 Investor Letter

Smead Capital Management, an investment management company, released its “Smead Value Fund” third quarter 2023 investor letter. A copy of the same can be downloaded here. During the third quarter of 2023, reality began to set in on the stock market, and the fund was affected by it. In the third quarter, the fund declined -1.02% compared to a -3.27% loss for the S&P 500 Index and a -3.17% fall for the Russell 1000 Value Index. Year to date, the fund returned 2.10%, compared to 13.07% and 1.79% gains for the S&P 500 and the Russell 1000 Value Index, respectively. In addition, you can check the top 5 holdings of the fund to know its best picks in 2023.