Research Frontiers Incorporated (NASDAQ:REFR) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

And I’ll tell you a little bit about something that we’re still waiting on permission for. So I can’t give a lot of details, but I’ll give probably enough to make everyone understand where some of these things are going. One specialty vehicle, for example, at CES that’s slated for production next year, and it’s not a car, incorporated a novel approach to augmented reality in the windshield. And a key part of this was made possible by a combination of transparent OLED technology by LG and SPD technology that was produced by Gauzy. And the implementation of this was extremely well done. You could see the vibrancy added to the augmented reality display by using SPD in the windshield.

August Berman: Joe, you still there?

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand by. We’ve lost. Mr. Harary, again, please stand by. We’ve lost, Mr. Harary.

Joe Harary: Okay. I’m back. I apologize. So what I was saying is, at CES, there was a specialty vehicle, but it’s not a car. And it was an augmented reality windshield that was made possible because of the combination of SPD film from Gauzy and the transparent OLED technology by lucky LG Group. And it was extremely well done. And you could see the vibrancy that happened with the augmented reality display by using the SPD film in the windshield. This product got a lot of attention in general. And at one point, when I was at the booth of this company, the Chairman of their South Korean parent corporation came to pay tribute to this vehicle. And he didn’t know who I was. I was standing on the side, and I was watching him. He even politely and reverently bowed towards it while I was there.

And it even made the show newsletter as the what’s hot at CES product on day two of the show. And while SPD was not mentioned in the public articles about that, we’re hoping to be able to talk about this in more detail when we and Gauzy have permission on that. But it gives you an idea of some of the things that are very pleasant surprises when you go to some of these shows. So we pay very much attention and we try to attend all the major trade shows for a variety of reasons, including that. And just so there’s no misunderstanding, even though this company is owned by a South Korean company, I’m not referring to the Asian car that we expected towards the end of last year with SPD. That’s totally different and very much on track and going through its final development stages prior to launch.

And that promises to be just a very exciting project, because the cost to the manufacture of our technology has come down so much as to make it feasible for inclusion in a relatively moderately priced vehicle. And that, of course, bodes well for SPD-Smart technology being incorporated in much higher volumes across the middle market cars throughout the world. But pay attention to trade shows, and I think you’ll get some very good information as to what’s going on. Sorry for that long winded answer, Dr. Berman, but I…

August Berman: I appreciate that. And honestly, I think shareholders have also noticed just a substantial increase in just commentary, mostly by Gauzy. Just looking at their social media page, seems to be every couple of days they mentioned something SPD. So I want to say this is the time, and I’m hoping it is. But it appears that things are more ready than ever before. And, yes, good luck to shareholders. And I think we’re on the right track.

Joe Harary: And thanks for noticing the increased frequency of the communications by Gauzy. Like us, we try to say as much as we can when we have permission. And I think you probably have surmised that the frequency that we communicate with Gauzy is very often. I mean, it was much less when it was just Hitachi making film, but Gauzy has just been a wonderful partner, both in making film and in products and unlocking new industries and things like that. And they’re very visionary and very dedicated to this. And their future is betting on SPD. So we work very closely together. And they were in New York 10 days ago. They’re coming back to New York. I’ve met with them in Israel. I’ve met with them in France. I’ve met with them in Germany. There’s just a wealth of opportunity for our industry and they and we are very much at the center of that. But thanks for notice that they’ve become a lot more visible about this.

August Berman: Yep. Well, appreciate it, Joe. Thank you.

Joe Harary: Thank you. Thanks a lot.

Operator: Our next question comes from Mike Zelnick, Private Investor. Your line is open.

Mike Zelnick: Thank you. Hi, Joe.

Joe Harary: Hey, Mike. Good to hear from you.

Mike Zelnick: And you, too. And just been reading your latest report that was posted about an hour ago, and I see revenues are up 109%. That’s what we like to see. That’s good.

Joe Harary: I like triple digits.

Mike Zelnick: Yes. Question I have has to do with Boeing and Airbus. I read the other day in the newspaper that both companies, and I think some other airlines as well, both companies have received orders from major airlines for hundreds of passenger jets, large passenger jets. What do you think the prospects are that on these orders using SPD on their windows?

Joe Harary: I think they’re quite good. And it’s a great question. Let me kind of go a little deeper into why I think that. So if we take, for example, the automotive market when Mercedes and Research Frontiers was developing the SPD-SmartGlass product for the SLK, we had blinders on. We were just focusing on doing everything possible to make sure that Mercedes was happy. And it was a good strategy because we knew that if they were happy, and they have a very good reputation for quality assurance and production and innovation, that everyone else would follow. And then you started to see all the other industries fall into place nicely after that. So it was a good strategy to focus on making your launch customer happy. And once it was validated for automotive use, more and more companies like McLaren and General Motors and everyone jumped on board because they knew that it was something they could reliably and safely put in their cars and the same thing with aircraft.