ProPhase Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRPH) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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The demand is there, just how quickly we can execute on building the capacity. And the one thing I can tell you look at my history, for 40 years, I’ve done nothing but execute. And this is executing for Pharmaloz, to me is a no brainer. Probably one of the easiest things I’ve ever had to do. All right, and I’m not hands on personally, but it’s the easiest thing as a company that I’ve ever seen. It’s not a guarantee it’s going to happen. But I can’t see why we’re not going to execute on a significant — truly in a significant way. Now, Nebula Genomics, what’s interesting about that completely different set of dynamics, and yet the future potential is even greater than Pharmaloz. So what’s interesting about Nebula Genomics is that whole genome sequencing, this was truly the vision of George Church 20 years ago, and it’s just coming together now.

And what’s interesting is whole genome sequence testing didn’t explode in a big way previously, for no reason other than price. And now the price is coming down. Medical doctors, physicians, academic researchers, medical research, is all starting to look much more seriously at whole genome sequence. And that’s not to say that the academicians and the researchers weren’t already doing whole genome sequence research. But I’m talking about levels of research, where this business is now literally exploding before our eyes because the price. And you got to understand there was one company that had a monopoly on whole genome sequencing for a very long period of time, they kept their pricing very high. And because they kept their pricing so high, it demotivated consumers and demotivated medical researchers from doing more research.

Now, a new company, not a new company, but new to this country, just settled litigation at the beginning of the year where they can bring in equipment into this country. We are the first laboratory in the country, to have their high throughput, extremely efficient equipment for whole genome sequencing, where we can provide pricing at a lower price than any laboratory in the country. It is such an incredible statement. I can’t believe our microcap company is making this statement and yes, it’s an accurate statement. And so it was interesting when we were just selling direct to consumer online, it didn’t really feel the business taking off the way it should. And more — it was growing very nicely. Don’t get me wrong. But from a small base. And so if we say it’s growing 50% or 100%, from a small base, like big deal, it’s not meaningful to the numbers.

And we had to advertise to generate that business. But now, we have a business that doesn’t require any advertising, no cost advertising. It just getting the word out that we’re the low cost provider of whole genome sequencing in the country. And the business is coming to us. We were just at a genomics conference. And the responses were tremendous. And I have a team here that is doing a phenomenal job now of building that business. So yes, he is my son. He doesn’t just have the same last night Jason Karkus built the COVID testing business, which was doing $100 million a year revenues. He’s now building our genomics business, along with Jed Laskin [ph] and who is becoming a senior employee of our company. And I believe that they’re going to kill it the same way they did with the COVID testing.

And so what’s interesting about this, Jason and I had the approach three years ago with the COVID testing business, where we took the approach of Kevin [Indiscernible] if you build it, they will come. And we built an enormous COVID testing lab, and then we did enormous amount of business. The issue with that business was the COVID testing lasted two years. Originally, everybody thought it was going to be one year and ended up being two years. Now at this point, the only people getting COVID tested are they’re going into hospital and they get tested in the hospital. So we actually not even in the COVID testing business. But now it’s interesting, Jason and I had the same reaction, which is, if you build it, they will come with the genomic with the whole genome sequencing testing in our lab.

And sure enough, we built the state-of-the-art lab, in Garden City, New York, and they are starting to come. And the difference between the COVID testing business and the genomics businesses COVID testing business wasn’t going to last permanent and the genomics business is and it’s — we’re in its infancy for what’s going to happen to this business is going to explode, going forward. And we are right now perfectly situated as the leaders in whole genome sequencing. And word is spreading quickly. We have major opportunities, who did an enormous amount of research. And these are companies that scoured the country looking for labs to do whole genome sequencing. And they said to us, there wasn’t anybody that even came close to our pricing. And our pricing still has healthy profit margins for us.

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