PolyPid Ltd. (NASDAQ:PYPD) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Dikla Czaczkes Akselbrad : So, first of all, thank you for this question, because we believe that it is essential. And it’s not just a belief. We’ve seen that in our discussions with our European partner, Advanced Pharma. It was essential to the discussion and it was essential to their due diligence. They obviously came to Israel, reviewed the facility, reviewed the process, reviewed the line of approval that the facility has. The manufacturing is not trivial. It’s not trivial, and this was the triggering for us going into this adventure of building our own manufacturing facility, because we understood that we’re not going to get a good enough solution from a CRO or a CMO. And this was the motivation to make the investment five, six years ago and build our own manufacturing facility.

And we believe it is essential. Going forward to – and we see that in all of our discussions. Our ability to be a fully integrated biopharmaceutical partner of the Big Pharma is really important. And looking forward, an additional partnering, I think it’s something that we would suggest, obviously, to maintain. I think it’s an added value that we are bringing. And the facility that we have is sufficient for the first several years of full commercialization, so we are on a solid ground there. But saying that, if in some different geographies, the margin will motivate us and the partner to have a different facility, we are open to that. I can tell you that our full control of the manufacturer gives us, obviously, a larger portion of the end sale, and this is something that we would want to maintain.

Raghuram Selvaraju: And lastly, outside of the U.S. and Europe, can you just enumerate for us again which other non-core territories might be economically interesting from a partnering perspective with regard to the broader global commercial opportunity for D-PLEX?

Dikla Czaczkes Akselbrad : So obviously, there are the obvious countries, the Western type of countries, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea. This is obviously an obvious market opportunity. But we are also seeing that looking on margin and level of infection and structure of payment or repayment, South America is a definite opportunity, China, India, so obviously Middle East here. But those are all potential territories. We’ve seen some reports on that. Also, as part of our discussions with the potential cost and margin there. So it’s really globally.

Raghuram Selvaraju: Thank you.

Dikla Czaczkes Akselbrad : Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. There seems to be no further questions. I would like to hand back for closing remarks.

Dikla Czaczkes Akselbrad : Thank you for joining PolyPid’s third quarter 2023 earnings conference call. We remain highly confident in our long-term prospects, especially the potential of our promising late-stage product candidate, D-PLEX100. As always, we are grateful to our team members, shareholders and all our external partners for their commitment to our mission and their support in continuing to advance toward our goal of bringing D-PLEX100 to healthcare providers and patients as quickly as possible. We look forward to speaking with you again on our next conference call.

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