Omnicell, Inc. (NASDAQ:OMCL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Jessica Tassan: Right. My understanding was that just Advanced Services revenue was going to grow at something like a 20% to 30% CAGR through 2025. And I am just interested to know like has that expectation changed, and if so, what is driving that changed expectation? And that’s it for me. Thank you, guys.

Peter Kuipers: Yeah. Okay. So that second part of the last part of your question. So we really look at the business from a lens point-of-care is down from a bookings perspective and a revenue perspective and the delta with the Advanced Services revenue, there’s a lot of delta there because that is growing, right? So and I think it’s fair enough to say that the expectations are slightly lower for the time being, also given the current market economic environment, but they are growing nicely. And again, we are somewhat conservative in our approach for planning for the year for 2023 as well. So those are things to take into consideration.

Operator: Our next question comes from Bill Sutherland from The Benchmark Company. Please proceed.

Bill Sutherland: Hello, everybody. Peter, I am not going to say goodbye to you. Okay, we will get around to that. So, Scott, I think on a recent conference about improving the forecasting just capabilities. I am curious kind of what got you — you have taken?

Kathleen Nemeth: Bill, you kind of broke up there a little bit. Could you repeat that?

Bill Sutherland: I am sorry.

Kathleen Nemeth: That’s okay.

Bill Sutherland: Mobile phones. I was just curious about what kind of things you have done to just further improve the forecasting and planning functions that you guys, I think, alluded to was something you want to focus on?

Randall Lipps: Sorry, can you repeat it, again. We couldn’t hear it.

Bill Sutherland: Oh, boy. I don’t want to hold up the call. Am I still fading in and out?

Randall Lipps: Yeah. We missed the exact point of improving. Was it cash? We couldn’t quite hear.

Bill Sutherland: I was — okay. You know what, I will just get on my call back. I will take care of that. Thank you.

Randall Lipps: Yeah. Thanks. You bet.

Operator: Our next question comes from David Larsen from BTIG. Please proceed.

David Larsen: Hi. Can you give an update on how far along your base is with regards to the XT upgrades? Are you 60% of the way through, 70% of the way through? And then just broadly speaking, like, over what time period does that entire upgrade process happen, is it like a 10-year process and you are on year six, which means that over the next three years, rest of your base is going to have to upgrade to the XT? And then do people have to upgrade to the XT or can they choose not to, and yeah, so thanks.

Randall Lipps: Yeah. Thank you, David, for the question. So a couple of questions in your one question there. So, yeah, we are above 60% of the great cycle for XT specifically. However, I think, Scott, earlier indicated that there are more growth drivers than only a good cycle, but we also have expansion and competitor convergence as well. After 10 years, we do not provide technical services anymore. It means no more software upgrades and no rate fixed maintenance support you. So for custom work to say compliance they generally upgrade the prior generation equipment.

David Larsen: Okay. So what I think I just heard was about 40% of your base still needs to upgrade to the XT and that was going to have to happen at some point over the next three years?