Motivational Speaker Mike Luzio on How the LVE Group is Redefining Entrepreneurship

From Andrew Carnegie to Henry Ford to Bill Gates, what is a salesman at heart like? Hard-working, driven, passionate, and above all, someone with an undying love for entrepreneurship.

Now, that may not be everyone’s understanding of being a salesman, but for the founder of LVE Group, Mike Luzio, that’s the gospel truth. Mike has played an active role in taking the American entrepreneurial spirit up a notch. With LVE Group, he aims to help honest and hard-working entrepreneurs who don’t believe in smoothing life’s rough edges but living life on the edge. His strategies are out-of-the-box, and his passion is infectious. As he speaks to Insider Monkey, this acclaimed motivational speaker shares that he is poised for a future where everyone grows together.

Mike Luzio

IM: Thanks for joining us today, Mike! Please tell us what lead you to LVE Group?

Mike: I founded the LVE Group in 2016 when I wanted to figure out a way that I can still work and have fun. That perhaps is the best way to sum up LVE’s living philosophy. The LVE Group offers consulting, speaking engagements, agency consulting, and angel investing and aims to invests in businesses in various industries and help them grow from ‘idea to exit.”

IM: What is your most profound passion?

Mike: It has to be to empower people with a vision and drive to build their own business. To do this, I decided not to define entrepreneurship but experience it and let it define itself. My approach led me to the nooks and crannies of America. And it was in these lesser-known alleys that I found passion sizzling like steak, dreams surfing fearlessly, the courage that can’t be bulldozed, and more. In the trials and tribulations of these businesses, I found the “secret sauce” of entrepreneurship.

IM: How did you arrive at a stellar strategy to help other businesses?

Mike: LVE Group’s technical expertise and in-depth understanding of how new business works has been made possible because we take the time to understand our partners’ needs. We look under the hood to figure out what makes them tick. We strategically pair them with services that fit their milestones. Apart from this, I’ve always searched for the next big entrepreneurial story that has survived its hero’s journey. These stories have inspired many entrepreneurs to learn from each other instead of just competing for market space and customer eyeballs.

For Mike, “success and excellence are never-ending parallels that feed into each other. Every day an impossible is transformed into a possibility and a trial into success. This means there’s room for everyone to succeed and everyone to learn.”

Mike’s LVE Group is a haven for entrepreneurs. His infectious enthusiasm brings people to his doorstep, discovering or rediscovering their passion for what they do.