Medicenna Therapeutics Corp. (NASDAQ:MDNA) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Catherine Novack: Hi, good morning. Thanks for taking my question. Just a couple from me. One, you know, in terms of the Phase 2 cohort data or Phase 2 data in the third quarter of €˜23. I’m curious, does that mean that you know you’ve settled on a Phase 2 dose given that I imagine that you all have to start enrolling that before the 120 micrograms per kilogram dose cohort has finished reading out, you know, or do you anticipate you know further dose finding work in the expansion phase?

Fahar Merchant: No, we will not be doing any further dose finding studies during expansion phase. So, we will establish what we call is a provisional recommended Phase 2 dose that will be executed and implemented in the dose expansion phase of the study. So that’s the plan. And we expect that we’ll have some early data by the end of third quarter this year.

Catherine Novack: Okay. And then can you give any additional color maybe on the kind of efficacy data we’ll see from cohort five, you know, how many patients? What kind of follow-up? And then have you gotten any additional paired biopsies in this quarter or in this cohort?

Fahar Merchant: Yeah, so we will be providing more data. As we plan to do that at the end of this quarter. This will allow us to share with you all the patients that have been enrolled in cohort five, the type of tumors they had, the number of lines of therapy they had, as well as their PK/PD, and, of course, tumor response data. So we will be presenting all that together as a complete set of data, including data from patients in earlier cohorts that are still under study.

Catherine Novack: Okay. And then, in terms of patients that are still on the study, I believe that the last update there were three still on study. Any update on that?

Fahar Merchant: Yeah. So that will be when we present that update at the end of this quarter on those three patients plus the patients in cohort five. So we will be able to share all that information, including the data from more recent scans from not only the cohort five, but also from the earlier cohorts as well.

Catherine Novack: All right. Thanks so much for taking my questions.

Fahar Merchant: You’re welcome.

Operator: Thank you. The next question is coming from David Bautz of Zacks Small-Cap Research. Please go ahead.

David Bautz: Hey, good morning, everyone. Yeah, Fahar, I’m curious why you aren’t restricting the patients for cohort six to certain tumor types. I understand you haven’t decided exactly what you’re going to look at in the Phase 2 expansion cohort. But I’m curious why you aren’t limiting it to even the ones that you’re considering for Phase 2?

Fahar Merchant: Well, I think the key thing here is, of course, the range of tumor types we’ve already treated is, as I said, about a dozen or so, trying to generate data on three different tumor types in a cohort of maybe three or six patients is unlikely to provide you with certainly any trending data. But obviously, what we’re trying to do is, try and enroll more patients that would potentially fit the profile for the dose expansion. But we’re not sort of change the protocol right now, either have we instructed the sites to only limit it to one or two or three different tumor types. It’s too early. I would say that the purpose of dose expansion is to do that exact same as €“ the idea in the dose expansion is to really have adequate number of patients in those two or three different types of tumors, rather than having to make a decision based on three or six patients.

David Bautz: Okay, that makes sense. And then real quick, when you present this updated data later on this quarter, will that be at a scientific conference? Or is that going to be through just a press release?

Fahar Merchant: Well we €“ as you said, the data from cohort five will be presented at the end of this quarter with additional data that comes through, it’s likely that we’ll present at a scientific conference. So we will at that point, depending on when the scientific conference takes place, we should have more data on cohort six potentially even early data on the dose expansion, but that remains to be seen.

David Bautz: Okay, sounds good. Thanks for taking the questions.

Fahar Merchant: You’re welcome.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, I’d like to turn the floor back over to Dr. Fahar Merchant for closing comments.

Fahar Merchant: Thank you, thank you very much all of you for joining the call today. Really appreciate the support the patients that have participated in the clinical trials, as well as the families and the investigators that have been patient with the clinical study itself. And, of course, all our shareholders, employees, et cetera, that have been supporting Medicenna’s progress. We look forward to providing with all of you some additional updates, as we say it, at the end of this quarter, as well as at the end of Q3. And in between, hopefully at a time when there is a conference before the end of third quarter, we will provide additional updates. So look forward to providing those additional data in the coming weeks and months. And thank you all for joining today’s call.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation. This concludes today’s event. You may disconnect your lines at this time or log off the webcast and enjoy the rest of your day.

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