Kirkland’s, Inc. (NASDAQ:KIRK) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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The low areas are still the ones that industry-wide, we’re seeing a dip, but I think we’ve still got a little bit more work to do in the balance of this year to get the pricing right there. But I feel like we can get that on track as we go into 2024.

John Lawrence: Great. Thanks for that. And last thing for me, as you look at that assortment, where do you think you are as you look into 2024 and changes deletions from the assortment, what will we see as we move through the first half of 2024?

Amy Sullivan: You’ll see a continuation of more important from the seasonally relevant categories. So, as you think about spring florals, making sure that we’re well in stock in the smaller holidays like Valentine’s and Easter. And then I would say the biggest sort of shift year-over-year, and I’ve alluded to this on the past couple of calls, is this notion of always something new. And so just ensuring that we have some faster-turning, lower-ticket, little trend moments that come in throughout the quarter, so, Mother’s Day, different holidays that resonate with our customer. And then the other thing I would say is I mentioned the gift and sort of impulse category. And you’ve been with us long enough to know that used to be a really important part of our business, and we reintroduced that this Q4 and it’s doing amazing. So, having that year around next year, I think is going to be some upside for us as well, both in topline sales and certainly in conversion in stores.

John Lawrence: Great. Thanks for your time. Congratulations.

Amy Sullivan: Thank you, John.

Operator: And ladies and gentlemen, at this time, this completes our question-and-answer session and concludes today’s teleconference. We thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect your lines.

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