Jim Rogers, George Soros, And Warren Buffett Are All Bullish About Euro Assets

SOROS FUND MANAGEMENTJim Rogers, George Soros, and Warren Buffett are doing the same thing together –bargain-hunting euro assets.

Jim Rogers said publicly on Tuesday last week that the euro and Swiss franc will show buying opportunities in 2012. Although in the past few weeks he had sold some euros, recently he began to consider buying back. Rogers explained that there are two reasons for him to long the euro. First, there is a great bubble in U.S. dollar. The best opportunity to buy dollar was two years ago. Secondly, there are too many people that were bearish about the euro, thus the euro is over-shorted compared with the U.S. dollar.

Coincidentally, the other two giants of Wall Street – George Soros and Warren Buffett had already prepared to invest in the European government bond and stock market.

After the collapse of MF Global, George Soros bought about $2 billion European sovereign bonds through the family’s fund. George Soros bought the Italian government bonds from the hands of MF Global, so in other words, Soros bet that Italian bonds will not default. As of mid-December last year, this bunch of Italian Treasury has already brought Soros about $130 million profit.

Warren Buffett chose a different way from Jim Rogers and George Soros. Buffett is more willing to do a bargain-hunting in the stock market. In August 2011, Buffett has spent about £ 120 million to boost his position in the British retail giant TESCO. He also said that he was willing to buy more if the company’s stock price was lower. So far since August, TESCO’s share price has risen 2.5%.

(Source: www.eastmoney.com)