IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (PNK:IGXT) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And just I wanted to ask about the launch of these products or when they will be possibly delivered to Tilray and distributed to the patients. Do you have like some sort of, like a time frame? Is it going to be Q1 of 2024 or this year?

Dwight Gorham: No. Well, based on the orderly times of the base for all materials, it’ll be early Q2.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. All right. And going to the Buprenorphine, you said March 8 was the GDUFA date, correct?

Dwight Gorham: Provided that they don’t push a facility inspection. Yes.

Unidentified Analyst: For an inspection. Okay. So when are we expecting, if God willing you get the approval on March 8? When are we expecting this product to be launched?

Tommy Kenny: I can take that, Dwight.

Dwight Gorham: Yes. Go ahead, Tommy.

Tommy Kenny: Yes. I mean, it’s Tommy here. There is ongoing litigation with the product. So I mean, we cannot make any statement as to when the product will be available because it will depend on when we get the court date and we get in front of a judge. Unfortunately, this is the situation. We’re looking forward to approval, and we’ll push as much as we can to get the product as soon as possible to the market.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And is there any milestone payment that IntelGenx will be receiving upon approval?

Tommy Kenny: Yes. There is one milestone upon approval.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And can you shed light on like is it like a six figure or…?

Tommy Kenny: Low six figure.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. All right. That’s all for me, gentlemen. And again, congratulations to you guys and the whole team. God bless.

Dwight Gorham: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. And the next question we had was Hugh Kelly with a follow-up. Hugh, your line is live.

Hugh Kelly: Okay. Thank you. And I apologize, Dwight, Andre, and Dr. Zerbe, and Tommy, for and Frank for not congratulating on their great progress with the company so far in 2023. I have a question with atai’s, any other programs in the work besides the one that’s moving right along? Any new molecules that they’re interested in having your company, our company, develop for them?

Dwight Gorham: We’re really focused on getting their clinical Phase 2 work done for them. As recently as two weeks ago, I had extended conversations with their CEO in Berlin. And at this point, it’s a focus on what we’ve got on the table. Although nothing’s been ruled out.

Hugh Kelly: Okay. And is it follow on to that with the your business development team evaluating different molecules? Is there anything in the background that’s being worked on developed that we could learn news on that may be attractive for the oral film market?

Dwight Gorham: I think I said that we’ve reached – we’ve opened up some space in the R&D area. We’re looking to capitalize on that. And as soon as we’ve got that nailed down, I would love to be able to share that with the shareholders, but it’s premature for me to say right now.

Hugh Kelly: Yes. Okay, I accept that. Thank you. And last question, last two questions. Is – with the progress of Montelukast and soon with the Parkinson study over there in Sweden, any potential partners on the horizon for either one of those programs? I know I ask at every conference call, but always got an keen eye out for that.

Dwight Gorham: Well, there’s certainly Dr. Zerbe and I had a lot of conversations at the recent trade show we were at with several potential partners. But everything comes down to getting the readout in the second quarter. If the readout is good, then I don’t think there’s a lack of partners.

Hugh Kelly: Okay. That’s a good answer. And then that would be the same for both products or just the Alzheimer’s film?

Dwight Gorham: I don’t think – I think if the data is good on all of them, then there’s partners to be had. The first one will be the Alzheimer’s though.

Hugh Kelly: Okay. And it wasn’t brought up on [indiscernible] but I’ll ask, is any update on the progress on Tadalafil?

Dwight Gorham: Yes. Tadalafil is – excuse me. We’re – we’ve got the lots of the development work understood. And we’re back on track for with that to complete the work, we need to move forward probably within the next three months to six months.

Hugh Kelly: Okay.

Dwight Gorham: And that’s not commercial, but there’s other project milestones in there.

Hugh Kelly: Yes. That’s a good report. All right. That takes care of my questions. Dwight, Frank, Andre and Dr. Zerbe and if I missed anyone else, I apologize.

Dwight Gorham: Well, [indiscernible] as well. Yes.

Hugh Kelly: One question, I did – sorry, this one. In the past, there’s been research reports about the progress of the company and investors research report. Is there anything in there with your discussion with investors? Any research houses that may issue a report with the success of the approval of RIZAPORT and the other progress the company has made?

Dwight Gorham: To my knowledge at this point you know, would we like to engage with that? The answer would be yes.

Hugh Kelly: Okay. All right. Thank you, Dwight. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. [Operator Instructions] The next question is a follow-up coming from Brent Geikie [ph]. Brent, your line is live.

Unidentified Analyst: Yes. Do you all expect or have any indication that Tilray will put out any communication, press release or anything on these three products.