Great Southern Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSBC) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Rex Copeland: I think, I mean what was down in there probably, John, is just the unrealized loss being higher. I don’t think, I mean we’ve got a little bit of cash flow coming off of it, but it’s not big cash flow. So I would think that the securities portfolio is not going to change a lot in the next quarter or two.

John Rodis: Okay. But you are not putting new money to work in there either right now. Correct?

Rex Copeland: We have not so far much this year. No.

John Rodis: Okay. And just one final question, guys and whether Joe or Rex both of you. If you look at the level of net charge-offs for you guys and really for the industry over the last few years, maybe even more. I mean it’s been — it’s been less than 10 basis points. I mean for you guys what last year was like 1 basis point, the year before 0 basis point. I mean, you’ve had net recoveries. And my question — and my question is in the current environment based on what you currently see in your portfolio, I mean do you see a situation where net charge-offs could be above 20 basis points or 30 basis points based on what you currently see.

Joseph Turner: I mean we feel awfully good about our credit portfolio, John. So I’m really not talking so much about what I see now. I guess, I’ve just — I’ve been at it long enough that I’m somewhat skeptical to think that we’ve just all figured it out. And there aren’t going to be net charge-offs anymore. I mean, in the history of banking, this seems like, very unusual that we would have net charge-offs this low. So, I don’t see anything in our portfolio right now that makes me think that we’re going to have large levels of net charge-offs. But just when you look back historically and think about the business, I can’t think that we necessarily figured it out. Although I will say, I do think underwriting is substantially better than it has been in my career, which is over 30 years. So I mean that is a positive.

John Rodis: So you’re saying, a lot of people learn from ’08, ’09, I guess.

Joseph Turner: I think so, us included.

John Rodis: I hear you. No. I just wanted to throw that out there. I mean, that’s a good shot. So I appreciate, guys. Take care. Thank you.

Joseph Turner: Okay. Thanks, John.

Operator: Thank you. I’m showing no further questions in the queue. I would now like to turn the call back over to Joe Turner for closing remarks.

Joseph Turner: All right. Thanks everybody for joining us on our call, and we’ll look forward to talking to you for our Q4 earnings release in January. Thank you.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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