Gerry Sanchez Talks About How To Grow Your Business Using Digital Marketing

The digital marketing industry has been rapidly growing for the last several years and has shown no signs of stopping any time soon. To get an idea about how much this industry has grown, you just have to look at the biggest companies in this sector. Facebook and Google, the service they offer to consumers is usually free. This gives them enormous reach due to their large user base. Reach that digital marketers like Gerry Sanchez can take advantage of, who has become a successful entrepreneur, speaker and best-selling author in this industry.

Gerry Sanchez

Gerry Sanchez, please tell us about your digital marketing journey? 

I got started with digital marketing years ago, back when no one was talking about it, and I saw it as a great tool to reach people. Through the digital medium, I have conducted numerous workshops to help people reach their potential and improve the 4 key areas of life. What has come to be known as our 4 pillars: Health, wealth, spirituality and relationships. Through the years, every platform has suffered changes, but if there is one thing that has been key to success is consistency: Not only being present in digital media, but also living in congruity and letting that be seen through digital media. Today we’re a sprawling community, transcending language and all connected digitally with one purpose: Self-development. 

What led you to venture into digital marketing & Public speaking? 

As soon as I realized the world was going digital I saw its potential to help others. Public speaking was the other piece of the puzzle. My purpose was to spread a philosophy in times with no philosophy. A mindset that radically transforms life by creating the changes you want to see in your life. I saw no better way to impart these teachings: Imparting workshops to help the ones most committed to their own progress. And digitally, to reach a wider audience.

You are an established entrepreneur especially in Mexico, what key challenges did you face on your journey? 

It was very difficult for me to break free from the conformist conditioning we are all subjected to. But I’ve always had greater ambitions, and I have never been one to adapt to life circumstances. I have always thought that you cannot allow life to create you, you must give shape to your life. Just like steel is forged with a hammer. I was being part of the 99% of people who are constantly frustrated, living below their true potential, trapped in a mediocre life… and I didn’t have a definite path to follow. That’s why I had to come up with that exactly: A Path to unleash human potential.

What differentiates you from others in the digital marketing industry? 

Congruity, and a deep connection with the problems people are facing. If there is one thing that stands out among the over-populated crowd of social actors, is congruity: People can tell when they see a leader, and distinguish from a hollow ‘influencer’. You can’t fake congruity, you either live what you preach or you are quickly seen as a phony. But I only teach what I have mastered: Entrepreneurship, startups, sales, persuasion, social skills, biohacking, fitness, monetizing your passion, dating advice, productivity, public speaking; and, obviously, digital marketing. I know it’s tough going uphill. And I know the challenges. This has allowed me to help people and take them to the next level in the 4 fundamental areas of life, and this stands out among everybody else. Congruity, and know-how. 

What are the plans to grow your business in the future? 

GS is becoming a global brand. Not only in the business sense, but specifically as a movement. I want to make it a global community for like-minded people who want to transform their lives. If you want clear instructions on how to improve your life, step by step, you come to us. It’s simple, the global home for the development of human potential. Your potential. Acquire financial freedom, market your business, build your personal brand, grow personally, evolve spiritually, become more attractive, build confidence, get fit, meet your significant other. If people in other countries face these challenges, we want to be the answer for their needs, and we are going to accomplish that in the near future.