George Soros Donated More than $550M over the Last 10 Years

George Soros may be the “Man Who Broke the Bank of England,” but he is also a philanthropist. Soros is particularly keen on so-called liberal causes.

Over the last 10 years, he has donated more than $550 million to such causes, reports Fox News. “Eighty different liberal groups have received $1 million or more of Soros’s charity in that time.” These groups include, Human Rights Watch, The Drug Policy Alliance, The Tides Foundation, and National Public Radio, to name a few. setting up a hedge fund

“Some of Soros’s other donations go to fund his extensive network of liberal media outlets, which have received more than $52 million.” According to Fox News, “Those operations include a wide range of liberal news operations as well as the infrastructure of news – journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations.” The Media Research Center Network reports that Soros has ties to “more than 30 mainstream news outlets – including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, CNN and ABC.”

“I have to concentrate on what goes on in America. The fight for an open society now has to be fought there,” reported The Moscow Times in 2003. Soros says he based the concept on philosopher Karl Popper, who Soros considers his mentor. “Popper proposed a form of social organization that starts with the recognition that no claim to the ultimate truth can be validated and therefore no group should be allowed to imposed its views on all of the rest,” Soros wrote in The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror. “Open Society denotes freedom and the absence of repression.” Soros’ “open society” charity efforts began in 1979.