First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ:FIBK) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kevin Riley: The thing is, I think, in Marcy’s remarks, I think she talked about it pretty good. I mean there was a onetime item last quarter of severance. We also then had the reduction of the mortgage staff that was going to be in the run rate. And then there is a little bit of incentive accrual reduction or reduced, but I would say most of it is the run rate stuff versus any kind of one-timer.

Jeff Rulis: It sounds like seasonality trends will fluctuate, but a pretty managed expense message is what we’re taking. Last one would be on the dividend outlook, I mean you’re close to 70% of earnings payout this quarter with 0 provision. Just interested in the conversations you have with the Board in terms of that payout as you look at future earnings expectations?

Kevin Riley: We look at the dividends, there’s no catalyst at this point that would make us look at cutting our dividend at this juncture.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] And we have a follow-up question from Chris McGratty from KBW. Chris?

Chris McGratty: Just on credit, a couple of housekeeping items and an opinion, I guess. Do you have Marcy, what’s left on the acquired loans, the mark on the acquired loans?

Marcy Mutch: You know, no. I mean, I’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about. If you’re talking about the remaining accretion, is that what you’re asking about?

Chris McGratty: Well, just the mark — the day one mark and how much has been accreted out, yes, I guess, is what I’m asking?

Marcy Mutch: The credit mark.

Chris McGratty: I’ll take whatever you have at your fingers.

Marcy Mutch: So just to be clear, the credit mark just both — it now is in the normal provision. And so we don’t — that’s not tracked anymore. But the purchase accounting accretion, it actually is in the deck, the remaining purchase accounting accretion, on Page 12.

Chris McGratty: Okay, I will grab that. And then more broadly, how should we think about — there’s a lot of questions this quarter about just normalizing credit for the industry. Maybe an opinion on how you view or you would see as like a normalized range for charge-offs for the company?

Marcy Mutch: We’ve typically seen between 20 and 25 basis points on a normalized range. We haven’t experienced that recently, but that would be normalized.

Operator: There are no further questions at this time. I’ll turn it back to Andrea for closing remarks.

Kevin Riley: Thank you for your questions. And as always, we welcome calls from our investors and analysts. Please reach out to us if you have any follow-up questions. Thanks for turning — tunning into the call today. Thanks. Bye.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes your conference call for today. We thank you for participating and ask that you please disconnect your lines.

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