Exclusive Interview with the Rapidly Growing Huge Supplements

Supplements are all around us. We’ve been taking them for decades, as they can help us in many ways possible.

Due to the high demand for dietary supplements, the market continues to grow exceptionally, and new players enter the space.

Huge Supplements is one of those newer players, a brand targeting athletes with potent, effective supplements.

Today, we’re chatting with the owners of Huge Supplements, Dylan Wielemaker and Mark van Putte. In this exclusive interview, they will talk about the company’s journey so far.

Q: There are already so many different supplement brands out on the market – what separates Huge Supplements from other brands?

A: Our products only contain high-quality, science-backed ingredients at optimal dosages. Because they’re stacked, it makes a lot of impact on benefits and results.

We see too many supplements out on the market that either use the wrong ingredients or underdose the ingredient to the point where it won’t be effective. We wanted to do things differently. We genuinely wanted to offer the customer’s a product that could help them get where they wanted to be.

But, there’s one downside to the above, and that’s pricing. Our manufacturing costs are much higher because we don’t cut corners for product formulation. With that being said, we’ve found out that customers are willing to pay more for a product that combines the right ingredients at the proper dosages.

Q: What challenges have you faced with Huge Supplements since starting the brand?

A: Our biggest challenge was that we started Huge Supplements only a month or two before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. The pandemic caused a lot of supply chain issues, with some ingredients’ costs rising through the roof.

This made it difficult at times to properly manage our stock, as specific ingredients weren’t in stock. Fortunately, we’ve made it through this period, and hopefully, we’ll be back to normal soon.

Q: Out of all the Huge Supplements products you developed – what product are you most proud of?

A: We’re proud of every product we bring out on the market, as we put a lot of work into formulating the products. For us, it’s crucial to provide our customers with the best of the best to help them reach their goals sooner.

But, if we had to choose one, it would be our Wrecked pre-workout. Since releasing it, it’s gathered thousands of reviews. For us, that’s confirmation that we’ve put out a good product that many benefit from.

Q: What can we expect in the near future from Huge Supplements?

A: We’re working hard on expanding our product lineup. We have multiple innovative and exciting products in the work as we speak.

On top of new releases, we’re also adding more and more flavor options to the products we have available right now. We want Huge Supplements to be the place where athletes can find all their supplement needs.

If you follow our Instagram page, you’ll be one of the first to know about new releases!

Q: Do you have any tips or advice for entrepreneurs wanting to enter the supplement space?

A: It won’t be easy to start in this competitive market, but you can do it with the right mindset and determination. You won’t blow up overnight; it takes time. And during that time, you’ll go through periods that seem like it all isn’t worth it, but that’s when you keep going.

We’ve faced a lot of ups and downs throughout the process, but the most important thing is that you keep going, no matter what. We fully believe the mindset of hard work pays off.

We’ve managed to get it done, so there’s no reason someone else can’t do the same. Surround yourself with the right people and go out and get it!