Cultural Influence by Country: Top 5 With The Most Cultural Influence

2. France

France’s cultural power is not lost on anyone. It is especially appreciated by those with a taste for luxury, as the country is home to some of the most popular and biggest luxury companies in the world, including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes and Cartier, to name a few. It has a long and rich history, and its culture has had a significant impact on the world. France is known for its art, literature, fashion, cuisine, and architecture, and it has contributed significantly to the development of these fields.

French culture has also influenced the development of other cultures around the world, particularly in Europe and the Americas. The French language, for example, is widely spoken and studied around the world, and French literature and art have had a lasting impact on global culture. French fashion, in particular, is known for its influence on the fashion industry, with many major fashion houses and designers being based in France.

Overall, France’s cultural influence can be seen in a variety of areas, including the arts, literature, fashion, and more, and it continues to be a major player in the cultural sphere.