Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:CHKP) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Zero trust means that we made security far more granular, far more transaction to transduction or user to application grain solution — security, so making security at a higher level. And last but not least is optimizing the communication. When we speak about branch office communication and that’s the sector that’s called SD-WAN. And SD-WAN, not just by optimizing traffic but by getting the proper level of security. And I think we are going to integrate it. We’ve launched our SD-WAN technology at the beginning of the year. And we will make it a very important part of our entire SASE architecture as part of that solution. So overall, I think we do have a game changer, with which we will be able to connect the data center gateway, our Quantum gateways, our Quantum firewalls with the branch office, with the cloud, with the end users, with the remote access and make both internet access and data access everywhere at the highest level of security and the highest level of performance, I think we really have a game changer here.

So that’s about the Quantum SASE. And let me switch towards different technology that we launched last week. And that’s the Horizon Playblocks. I think that Horizon Playblocks can be a real game changer. Maybe I should use the game changer, maybe a breakthrough technology here that really may take security to the next slide. And I think you’ve heard me speak even at the beginning — since the beginning of the year, about the three Cs of security solutions that are comprehensive, consolidated and collaborative. And I think the element is — if we could get so many security technologies and they actually don’t work together, actually even worse. Some of them even within the same domain don’t work together. Let me give you an example, let’s say, that we spot some entity or someone that’s scanning our network by doing what’s called technically ports scanning, to our network.

So our gateway will stop the port scanner [indiscernible] stop they accessing different ports. And the user will keep trying to do the port scan and then they might even find there is some application that’s open. And they might find the vulnerability in that application and get inside the network. We actually might even do it from a different location. With Playblocks, even within the gateway security, we can see somebody is doing a port scan. Let’s put that entity in the penalty box and let’s not have them even the chance to access even places that we’re — with our allowed access, because maybe they are trying to exploit the vulnerability. Now you can do it on the same gateway, you can do it in all the gateways in the company. Again, we spotted one entity trying to get into our network, let’s not get them in.

And then you can do it with multiple products, not just with the network security, but it’s also doing it across products. So for example, if we are seeing suspicious activity by one of the endpoints in the company, we block access to that endpoint by all the gateways and by all the other security means. So that endpoint cannot compromise any other places in the network. And again, the list goes on and that’s what we call in Playblocks the storybooks where we take scenarios and turn them into automatic simple out of the box playbooks that can work and can turn security to be collaborative. I believe that this is a breakthrough. Other solutions today in the industry that talking about later in a slightly different category, super complicated requires, a huge investment required, years of training and the building different scenarios and don’t always address the issues.

What we are being able to do here is a real breakthrough in taking that idea of collaborative security or automated security and make it super simple and super effective. And you see a customer quote from one of the early customers, they’re choosing their technology versus the level of security that they get here was previously unattainable. So I’m very proud of the technology, that’s the first step and that’s going to be included. With all the Check Point gateways and all the Check Point product. And again, incorporates many other third party products into that game and in the future even more. So I think it’s a very, very good start through breakthrough technology. And we started — again there is many, many more technologies that we launched, mainly by the way in the last three weeks.

And I think Roei already described the success that we have with Infinity. And Infinity becoming not just an important part of our strategy, but bigger part of our business. And you can see here a few examples of wins with Infinity. One is in Asia, a financial and insurance services company, full Infinity architecture with Quantum CloudGuard, Harmony, single management solution and facilitated all the security consolidation. Number one is Woodward, an aerospace manufacturing in the Americas. Again, they using here both the SASE which is very nice to see the deployment with our Quantum Gateways, they get the scalability, we like the ease of deployment, but we’re really, really differentiators, because that’s a very important part will be the security in the large scale and they are utilizing our Infinity Global Services for optimizing the security policy and delivering better security.

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