Apple Inc. (AAPL), Facebook Inc (FB), Google Inc (GOOG): 4 Shocking Losers of the Smart Watch Race

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Are you sure about that?

New technology results in prioritization of our wants. The reason why Windows has been a flop on smartphones and tablets is that we no longer desire to do the things that tethered us to that operating system. What if more interaction with a smart watch creates a new level of entertainment that doesn’t require hours of streaming video? What if a smart watch tethered to a smartphone makes us more social in the real world? What if new forms of engagement and diversion occupy more of the time that we spend nurturing the one-way relationship that is video consumption?

There’s no point in getting deep about this. Technology changes the way we do things. Tablets helped Netflix. The next big thing may go the other way.

I singled out the sultan of swoosh in picking out potential losers of Samsung’s Galaxy S4 smartphone, but Nike is also in the crosshairs this time.

Let’s talk about the Nike FuelBand. I’ve proudly worn Nike’s activity-tracking bracelet since it hit the market 13 months ago, and I’m seeing a lot more of them on people. Upstarts Fitbit and Jawbone UP are also gaining traction in these fitness-monitoring wristbands.

What happens when smartphones take over? Do we go with both wrists, or will the limited FuelBand — at the same $150 price point, mind you — fade in popularity?

Pebble’s watch works with smartphones to track activity, and that can be charted out in a growing number of free applications.

As I argued earlier, Nike will benefit if health-monitoring watches inspire consumers to get more fit, and buying Nike-branded footwear and clothing to make it happen. However, as far as the Nike+ Digital Sports division, the smart watch will be a ticking challenge.

The article 4 Shocking Losers of the Smart Watch Race originally appeared on and is written by Rick Munarriz.

Longtime Fool contributor Rick Munarriz owns shares of Netflix. The Motley Fool recommends Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Nike. The Motley Fool owns shares of Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Nike.

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