An Exclusive Interview with Marketing & Growth Strategist Anastasia Vitruk

Without marketing, most businesses wouldn’t exist. That’s the bottom line. There’s no ifs or buts; marketing is simply the driving force that puts your business on the map. A good marketing strategy will generate sales, increase growth, and boost your profit margins. In these demanding and challenging times, heavyweight marketing companies are a living testament to how key players in the marketing industry are adapting and flourishing while others fail.

International digital marketing expert Anastasia Vitruk has an enviable record of delivering potent strategic growth. She shares her unique insights during our recent chat.

Anastasia Vitruk

Q: Hello, Anastasia, tell us about your journey as a marketing professional?

A: Hi! I think the seed was sown at a very young age. I was always inquisitive about what governs people’s behavior – why we make the decisions we do, what makes us tick, and so forth. My first master’s degree was in sociology. You’d be surprised how integral that is when it comes to marketing. After working for a while in customer insight, PR, and strategic consultation companies, it seemed a natural step to enter marketing, where I finally got to utilize everything I had learned.

Q: How has marketing evolved during the global pandemic?

In simple terms, it went online. Let’s be honest without the internet, surviving the pandemic would have been a whole different ball-game. Many industries, from healthcare to fashion and dating, were quick to realize this and adapted accordingly. One of the biggest takeaways is how print advertising disappeared overnight, leaving social media and influencers to step up to the plate and develop their marketing strategies. The internet and marketing have always been natural bedfellows, but the pandemic has just cemented that unique relationship.

Q: What marketing strategies can eCommerce platforms adopt to fuel sales funnels?

A: In a nutshell, content and strategic targeting are quintessential! So get that right and develop an awareness of your brand through engaging content, and you’re all set to win. It’s also essential to attract traffic through targeted ads, communicate with your users, and create a polished and personalized experience for your customers.

Q: How can brands leverage social media growth in these times?

A: The pandemic has really opened up the playing field, and people are coming up with all kinds of innovative and groundbreaking concepts to keep ahead of the curve. One that excites me is augmented reality (AR). This has been an absolute godsend in the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industries. It allows users to digitally try out products before making a purchase. In the final analysis, though, you’ve got to think outside of the box and always be looking to cover new ground.

Q: Have you seen any major shift in the digital marketing budgets or marketing mix in 2020?

A: Digital marketing has always been important but now more so than ever. The budgets are starting to reflect this. Digital marketing is already playing a critical role in the mix. It will only grow in the years to come.

Q: How would brands recover post-pandemic?

A: Everyone is struggling, and most economists are predicting a recession, but I think if we collaborate more, double down on digital, innovate, and concentrate on sustainability and what the public wants, then we’ll get through this. The way I see it, as one door closes, another one opens. It’s up to us to be brave enough to walk through it.