6 Best Part-time Coding Bootcamps in NYC

5. Byte Academy

Score – 8

Up next on our list of best part-time coding bootcamps in NYC is Byte Academy, which offers multiple courses, such as Python 101 for data science (3 weeks), Python Fullstack (24 weeks), Data Science: databases and big data, or Data Science (8 weeks), the fundamentals of machine learning (3 weeks), as well as other similar courses. However, for the sake of this list we decided to tackle Python since it’s an actual programming language, as opposed to the other courses that are addressed to people who are already working in those fields and seek to better understand it.

While the regular Python Fullstack, where attendance is full-time, lasts for 12 weeks, the part-time course takes 24 weeks, with two days per week spent in class for three hours, in the evening. Tuition is the same for both types of bootcamps – $14,950, which will be reimbursed to the students if they are not hired within 6 months of graduation.

The curriculum emphasizes Python, but there are also instructions regarding JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3 and so on.

Classes are held in midtown Manhatten, near Grand Central.