5 States with the Highest Muslim Population in the US

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In this article, we will take a look at 5 states with the highest Muslim population in the US. If you want to read our discussion on the statistics related to the Muslim American community, you can go directly to the 10 States with the Highest Muslim Population in the US.

5. Michigan

Percentage of Muslim Population: 2.4%

Total Muslim Population: 241,828         

Michigan attracted many Muslim immigrants towards the end of the 20th century. The largest ethnic group among Muslims in Michigan is Arabs. The first mosque in Michigan was established in Detroit. Currently, there are many mosques within the state, including the Islamic Center of America (ICA) in Dearborn, the Yemeni American Community Center (YACC) in Dearborn, and the Islamic House of Wisdom (IHW) in Ann Arbor.

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