5 States with Lowest Percentage of College Graduates

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This article takes a look at the 5 States with Lowest Percentage of College Graduates. If you wish to check out our detailed analysis on the States with Lowest Percentage of College Graduates and the edtech companies promoting education, you may go to 25 States with Lowest Percentage of College Graduates.

5. New Mexico

Bachelor degree holders : 15.81%

Nestled in the deep south of the United States, New Mexico holds the distinction of being the fifth-largest state in the country by area. Despite its vast expanse, it also ranks as the sixth most sparsely populated territory, reflecting a lower total population density. However, a concerning aspect emerges when considering college education, as only 15.81% of the state’s population holds a bachelor’s degree. Understanding the unique combination of geographic size, population density, and educational challenges is crucial for formulating targeted strategies that promote inclusivity and elevate the overall educational landscape of the state.

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