5 States That Have The Cheapest Electricity In The US

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This brief article will shed light on the top 5 states with low electricity rates and their grid network. You can learn more about the country’s grid by reading 20 States That Have The Cheapest Electricity In The US.

5. Tennessee 

Electricity Cost in Cents per Kilowatt-Hour (kWh): 12.33

In Tennessee, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), a federally-owned corporation, significantly influences the state’s affordable electricity costs. The TVA owns approximately 90% of the state’s electricity generation capacity and nearly three-fifths of its power plants. Its diverse energy portfolio, including nuclear, hydro, and renewable energy, ensures a stable and low-cost electricity supply.

The TVA’s commitment to energy efficiency also aids in managing demand and mitigating strain on the grid. Tennessee’s investment in nuclear energy further contributes to affordability, offering a reliable and cost-effective electricity source. The Watts Bar 2 generating plant, the first new nuclear power plant reactor in the U.S. to commence service in the 21st century, is located in Tennessee. Along with the Browns Ferry and Sequoyah nuclear plants, the Watts Bar plant contributed to 45% of Tennessee’s electricity generation in 2022.

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