5 States That Have America’s Strongest Unions

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In this article, we will look at the 5 states that have America’s strongest unions. We have also discussed the latest unionization events in another article. If you are interested in reading about that along with a more extensive list, head straight to the 20 States That Have America’s Strongest Unions.

5. Connecticut

Union Members Employed: 15.9%

Connecticut has defied the national trend of declining union membership, reaching a three-year high at 15.9% in 2023. This increase is notable in the public sector, where the rate climbed to 67.1%. The private sector also saw growth, with 7.1% belonging to a union. The data raises questions about the necessity of legislative interventions by the Labor and Public Employees Committee, especially as bills attempting to expand labour-related laws have failed. As unions gain strength, there are concerns about their influence on political campaigns and policy decisions in an election year.

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