5 States that Drink the Most Tequila

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In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 states that drink the most tequila. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the global tequila market, the recent investment in the tequila industry, and the success of celebrity-owned tequilas, head to 20 States that Drink the Most Tequila.

5. Illinois

Cases of Tequila Sold in 2021: 896,590

Although a good ol’ Old Fashioned is the drink of choice in Chicago, the city transforms in the spring and summer seasons, making it crave something more refreshing. Chicago has no shortage of quality Mexican restaurants and bars that specialize in tequila and mezcal, so drinkers are in for a treat worthy of patio season. The city’s margaritas mix up style and fun.

Illinois is ranked 28th out of the 50 states in alcohol consumption, with the average drinking-age Illinoisan consuming 2.32 gallons per year. Of the $62.6 billion in taxes collected by Illinois in 2022, 0.5%, or $320 million, came from alcoholic beverages sales tax.

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