5 Nouriel Roubini Predictions

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In this article, we discuss 5 Nouriel Roubini Predictions. If you want to see more predictions, check out Nouriel Roubini on Bitcoin and Other Predictions.

5. Inequality and Social Unrest 2015-to-date

Rising income inequality worldwide poses a significant danger. According to Roubini, it will be the cause of social unrest and political instability in many countries for many years to come. The economist insists that such inequalities result from slow growth, low demand, high debt, and financial instability. The remarks made as early as 2015 have become increasingly true in modern society, where wage gaps have widened significantly.

In return, income inequality has been the source of social and political discontent in many countries, including the U.S. Demand for equal pay between men and women has escalated in recent years as income inequality has become a major factor. The inequality has gone to the extent of eroding trust in institutions, democracy, and the rule of law.

The only way such deficiencies could be addressed effectively is by combining factors that help promote growth, inclusion, and redistribution. In addition, Roubini believes governments should focus on boosting factors that enhance productivity, innovation, education, and infrastructure.

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