5 Most Visited Websites in the World in 2015

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No. 2. Most Visited Website In the World: Facebook 

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s Facebook drives one fourth of all the web traffic that there is which makes it our second most visited website on the worldwide web. That one quarter of web traffic it consumes also makes it world’s largest social network. Due to its vast user base nobody in the world today denies its advertising potential and reach; which is the main source of revenue for this company. As most of that traffic originates from mobile devices we can also say that Facebook Inc will outlive its counter parts in the coming years. To strengthen its position Facebook Inc recently added a video feature on its website which according to the initial reports Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s video feature has already started impacting traffic on Google Inc’s YouTube.

No. 1. Most Visited Website In the World: Google
It would not be an over statement to say that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s Google Search is actually internet’s other name. Google Search is as much a utility as internet itself is. It is the gateway to millions of websites on the web. As long as that information exists on the internet, Google Inc will find you that information. You don’t have to bother even you misspelled a little. Google Search has made our lives simple and easy. This is one portal on the internet which is incomparable with any other website on the internet, whether search engines or social networks. We used to run to libraries when we needed some information. With Google Inc any information is only a few clicks away.

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