5 Most Profitable Toll Roads In The World

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In the brief article, we’ll summarize the world’s 5 highest profit-yielding toll roads and their locations. If you want to learn more about the global road network and how toll tax impacts it at large, read 15 Most Profitable Toll Roads in the World.

5. Pennsylvania Turnpike, US

Annual Revenue: $1.2 billion

The Pennsylvania Turnpike is, arguably, the most expensive toll road per mile because of its high toll prices. Extending over 360 miles across the state from east to west, the toll road is a major revenue generator. It brought in an estimated annual toll revenue of $1.2 billion in FY2022. This represented a 10% increase in net toll revenues over FY2019 figures, an impressive feat given that the number of transactions remained 6% below FY2019 levels. 

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