5 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US

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This brief article will highlight the best agricultural zones in the US and the top crops they yield. If you want more insights about the country’s agriculture, read 13 Most Productive Agricultural Regions in the US.

5. Southern Plains (including Texas and Oklahoma)

Cumulative Agricultural Output: 23.6 million tons 

The Southern Plains, encompassing Texas and Oklahoma, is one of the high-yield farming regions in the US. Texas, in particular, boasts a large-scale agricultural operation, with more than 126 million acres of farmland as of 2022, highlighting its significant role in the region.

Texas is a prominent cotton producer, yielding over 3 million 480-pound bales, making it one of the top cotton exporters in the country. Additionally, the production of hay and haylage plays a vital role in the state’s agriculture, with substantial quantities produced annually. Texas is also a notable contributor to the national grain supply, producing corn and wheat.

Similarly, Oklahoma produced over 66 million bushels of wheat in 2022, along with 24 million bushels of corn. The state’s other primary crops include hay, soybeans, and cotton. Despite comprising fewer states, the Southern Plains region ranks third in the US in terms of the number of operated acres. This region is characterized by its diverse range of farm operations, playing a crucial role in the production of key agricultural sectors such as cotton, hay, and grain.

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