5 Most Liberal Cities in the U.S.

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In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 most liberal cities in the U.S. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the history of liberalism, the polarization between liberal and conservative communities, the most liberal state in America, the most liberal city in the world, the most progressive American companies and the global D&I market, head to 25 Most Liberal Cities in the U.S. 

5. Seattle, Washington

Insider Monkey Score: 2.86

For decades, Seattle has been one of the most liberal cities in the country and right at the forefront of the nation’s progressive movement. It was the first major city to adopt a $15 per hour minimum wage, to allow gig economy workers to affiliate with a union and to allow, albeit briefly, a per-employee tax on major corporations. 

Seattle’s LGBTQ community is the second-largest in the United States, with 12.9% of the city identifying as LGTBQ. The city also had a per capita general expenditure of $3,265 in 2020. 

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