5 Most Dangerous Jobs in America

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In this article we discuss the 5 most dangerous jobs in America. If you want to read our detailed analysis of these jobs, go directly to the 30 Most Dangerous Jobs in America.

5. Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors

Total Fatal Injuries: 31
Fatal Injury Rate: 34 per 100,000 workers
Most Common Fatal Accidents: Transportation incidents
Median Base Salary: $40,560

Who knew “taking out the trash” could be as dangerous as making it to the top 5 of the 30 most dangerous jobs in America. Again, a relatively simple yet extremely dangerous job. All they have to do is drive around neighborhoods and collect garbage (with the occasional dead bodies) from dumpsters. The most common cause of death for workers in this field was transportation incidents.

15 biggest waste management companies in the world

Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock.com

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