5 Most Consumed Crops in the World

This brief article will focus on the world’s 5 most consumed crops and their consumption statistics for the 2021/2022 crop year. If you want more insights about the most eaten crops worldwide, read 15 Most Consumed Crops in the World.

5. Soybean 

Global Consumption in 2021/2022 Crop Year: 388.09 million tons 

Soybean is consumed globally, but East Asia, particularly China, Japan, and Korea, are its largest consumers. The crop is used in tofu, soy sauce, miso, and tempeh; soybean also finds widespread application in soymilk and oil. Soybean consumption is secondary in Western countries because of its major use in animal feed. Also, the increasing demand for plant-based protein alternatives has increased soybean use in veggie burgers, non-dairy yogurts, and protein bars.

4. Wheat

Global Consumption in 2021/2022 Crop Year: 907.82 million tons

Wheat is the world’s 3rd biggest staple crop and makes up for 15% of the global caloric intake. Asia and Europe lead in wheat consumption, as China, India, and Russia are its top consumers. The abundant grain is used in bread, noodles, and pastries, affirming its versatility. Notably, North America champions wheat utilization in processed foods like breakfast cereals and snacks. Recent consumption trends of wheat show a growing interest in whole grains owing to their high fiber content.

3. Rice 

Global Consumption in 2021/2022 Crop Year: 1 billion tons 

Currently, the annual average per capita rice consumption is 54 kgs across the world, as it’s fundamental in many cultural cuisines. Asia accounts for around 90% of the world’s total rice consumption, as China, India, and Indonesia lead the way. Likewise, West Africa and some parts of Latin America also report substantial rice intake. In many Asian cuisines, rice is a staple often consumed plain, while in others, the crop is the base for popular dishes such as sushi, biryani, and jambalaya.

2. Corn 

Global Consumption in 2021/2022 Crop Year: 1.4 billion tons

Corn is the most produced grain globally, as the United States, China, and Brazil lead in its production and consumption. North America consumes maize heavily as processed foods, while Asian people consume corn as food grain and fodder. In Sub-Saharan Africa, corn serves as a critical staple food, especially in countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya, where it is often ground into flour. Notably, the industrial use of corn for ethanol production also accounts for a significant portion of global corn consumption.

1. Sugarcane 

Global Consumption in 2021/2022 Crop Year: 1.966 billion tons 

Sugarcane is the world’s most consumed crop, whose global consumption in the 2021/2022 crop year reached 1.966 billion tons. Sugarcane consumption is concentrated in Asia and Latin America, owing to the crop’s preference for warm climates. As a principal source of sugar, sugarcane represents 80% of global sugar production and hence, is crucial for the global sugar market of $67 billion. Currently, Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane, while India is the crop’s largest consumer. Furthermore, sugarcane is a key player in the spirits industry in the Caribbean, where it is the main ingredient in rum production.

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