5 Most Congested Cities in Florida

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In this article, we will be taking a look at the 5 Most Congested Cities in Florida. You can also take a detailed look at the 12 Most Congested Cities in Florida.

5. Middleburg

Average Travel Time to Work: 40.8 minutes

Nestled in the heart of Clay County, Middleburg boasts a peaceful charm amidst its lush landscapes. However, this picturesque setting belies the challenges its residents face in commuting. With an average travel time to work of 40.8 minutes, Middleburg grapples with congestion that reflects a struggle between preserving its natural beauty and accommodating urbanization. The town’s infrastructure, initially designed for a smaller population, now strains under the weight of increasing commuters. Limited roadways and inadequate public transportation exacerbate the congestion, forcing residents to endure lengthy commutes. Urban planning initiatives have been hindered by rapid growth, resulting in disjointed development and inefficient transportation networks.

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