5 Most Advanced Countries in Nanotechnology

4. United Kingdom

Number of IP5 Nanotechnology Patents: 51.7

Ranking in 2017: 6

The United Kingdom has a strong research and development base in nanotechnology, with a number of universities and research institutes conducting leading-edge research in the field. The UK government has also invested in the development of nanotechnology through initiatives such as the Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN) and the National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC).

The UK has a number of key strengths in nanotechnology, including expertise in areas such as nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, and nanomedicine. The country is home to a number of leading companies in these fields, and has developed strong collaborations with industry, academia, and other research institutions.

In addition to its research and development efforts, the UK has also established policies and regulations related to nanotechnology, including the Precautionary Principle, which aims to ensure that new technologies are introduced in a responsible and safe manner.