5 Medical Schools with the Highest Acceptance Rates in America

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This article will discuss the 5 medical schools with the highest acceptance rates in America. We have also discussed about career growth in the healthcare sector and healthcare companies that are being entirely revolutionized with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in another article. If you are interested in reading about that along with a more extensive list, head straight to 22 Medical Schools with the Highest Acceptance Rates in America.

5. Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Acceptance Rate: 7.60%

Founded in 1828, the Medical College of Georgia (MSG) has had a significant impact since its foundation till date in optimizing health care in Georgia and beyond via education, research, and services. MCG is one of the ten colleges at Augusta University and is ranked as the 83rd-best medical school in the United States. In-state and out-of-state students’ success rates are 16.7% and 0.21%, respectively. Over 990 students were enrolled at MCG in the academic year 2021-2022, having an average GPA of about 3.8. It is also the America’s largest medical school in terms of class size, with 264 students studying in each class.

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