5 Highest-Paying Part-Time Jobs for College Students

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1. Voiceover Work

Average Hourly Rate: $30.25

The highest-paying part-time job for college students is voiceover work. There has been a rising demand for quality narration for instructional videos and marketing content online. Get your script from your employer, record your audio, and upload it. Is it complicated? No. Is it a decent part-time job for college students? Yes. Though you’ll be needing to invest in a quality voice recorder or a microphone, a quiet place you can record in, and audio recording software and you are good to go!

Once you have the required recording equipment, start looking for narration gigs at Fiver! 

Please also see, 10 Part-Time Jobs That Pay $20 An Hour and 16 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs From Home.


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