5 Forms of Proof that there is No God

2. No Proof of Events from Religious Texts, and No Proof of God

Perhaps the strongest proof against the existence of God is quite frankly that there is no proof for the existence of a God. If a God truly existed, it should be very obvious, not requiring people to suspend their belief and have “faith” that the words written on a page by humans are really the words of a God. A real God who craved the worshipping of his creations would make his presence known, not play games with his subjects and hide in the shadows.

Not only that, but events in religious texts, specifically of a giant global flood (which are related in more than one such text, including The Bible) are completely without scientific evidence that they ever occurred, and that evidence would be…well, evident, if they had. If we can prove today that some of the stories in religious texts are false, how could anyone possibly believe in anything else they claim as the word of a higher power?