5 Foods To Reduce Cancer Risk

In this article, we will be taking a look at 5 foods to reduce cancer risk. If you wish to learn about more, head straight to the 20 Foods To Reduce Cancer Risk.

5. Cinnamon 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.8 

Cinnamon, one of the top foods to reduce cancer risk has drawn interest for its possible anti-cancer effects, as shown in studies. Its strategies include triggering apoptosis, stifling tumor growth, and adjusting signaling pathways that are essential for the advancement of cancer. Research indicates that in hematological malignancies, cinnamon extract can prevent cancer cells from proliferating and surviving. Cinnamon may also have a preventative impact on prostate cancer as it reduces cancer cell spread and reduces oxidative stress. The polyphenols in cinnamon have also been shown to have the potential to lower adverse effects from chemotherapy, promote apoptosis, and halt the growth of tumors in breast cancer. 

4. Berries 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.85 

Berries, rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can shrink tumors and premalignant lesions in multiple organs and are associated with a lower risk of developing different malignancies. Berries are also likely to reduce your risk of colorectal and aerodigestive cancers, according to studies, including those conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). According to laboratory research, phytochemicals such as flavonoids, ellagitannins, and anthocyanins are responsible for berry extracts’ ability to stop the growth and spread of prostate, colon, and breast cancer cells. According to recent studies, berries have immunomodulatory properties that may improve cancer immunotherapy by controlling immune cell activity.  

3. Beans 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.9 

Beans, standing third among the foods to reduce cancer risk, are known to lower the risk of some malignancies, especially breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer. Regular bean eating has been linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer, according to studies, with lower colorectal cancer mortality rates seen in nations with higher bean consumption. Studies using case-control and cohort methods show that eating beans may have a preventive effect against prostate cancer, with a notable reduction in risk. Comparably, Hispanic women who consumed more beans had a markedly reduced risk of breast cancer than those whose diets were heavy in processed foods and sugar.  

2. Carrots 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.95 

Carrots have long been associated with eye health benefits, but they may also protect against cancer. Carrots are high in nutrients, such as vitamins K and A, and have been associated with a lower incidence of breast, bladder, and aerodigestive cancers, among other cancers. Regular eating of carrots has been shown to reduce the risk of pancreatic and lung cancer in a dose-dependent manner. Carrots contain polyacetylene chemicals called falcarinol and falcarinol, which have anti-cancer capabilities by reducing inflammation and preventing the formation of cancer cells. 

1. Broccoli 

Insider Monkey Score: 1.0 

Broccoli is a potent cancer-prevention ally due to its high sulforaphane content. Sulfur is present in a large amount in broccoli that helps prevent breast, colon, skin, bladder, and mouth cancers. Enhancing protective enzymes and aiding in the removal of substances that cause cancer, sulforaphane is especially beneficial for smokers. Making use of the chemopreventive qualities of sulforaphane, attempts are being made to create broccoli tablets for the prevention of cancer. Promising results from clinical trials highlight broccoli’s potential in cancer prevention, as it can target cancer stem cells and enhance detoxification processes, which places broccoli among the top foods to reduce cancer risk.

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