5 Fastest Growing Fast Food Chains

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Below we shared the list of the fastest growing fast food chains. For a detailed discussion as well as a more comprehensive list please see 15 Fastest Growing Fast Food Chains.

5. Pizza Hut (owned by Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM)

Number of locations opened between 2016-2019: 2,294

American restaurant chain Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney in Wichita, Kansas. What began as a 550 square foot pizza restaurant has become a network of 19,703 restaurants in over 100 countries around the world, making it the world’s largest pizza chain in terms of locations.  Currently Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM).

10 Easiest Fast Food Jobs to Get in America

withGod / Shutterstock.com

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