5 Countries that will have the Most Powerful Militaries by 2030

3. India

Forecasted GDP (PPP) for 2030: $22.20 trillion

Projected Defense Spending in 2030: $132.26 billion

Technological Capabilities Rank: 40

Score: 0.881

Next up on the third spot is India, whose military is likely to climb one spot, from fourth currently to being the third best military in the world by 2030. India has the second largest standing armed forces in the world after China, with a manpower of nearly 1.5 million active troops. The Indian military has a nuclear arsenal of 156 weapons, and is equipped with 1,645 military aircraft, 4,614 battle tanks, and 294 naval assets. The country also operates three overseas military bases in Oman, Tajikistan, and Mauritius.